The Point of Purity Podcast

Episode 106 - King Thee NOT King Me!

December 22, 2022 Steve Etner Season 3 Episode 106
Episode 106 - King Thee NOT King Me!
The Point of Purity Podcast
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The Point of Purity Podcast
Episode 106 - King Thee NOT King Me!
Dec 22, 2022 Season 3 Episode 106
Steve Etner

You have been living most of your life as the #1 dude, the alpha dog, the head honcho, the King. You have been “lord” of your life and “lord” of your castle. What King Me wants, King Me gets. Do you fully recognize that there is One even greater than you, One that you are ultimately answerable to?

The fact is no one has more authority over your life than God. Are you living by that truth? Is God your “Lord?” Not just in word, but in your attitude and behavior as well. Is He the ultimate and supreme ruler over every part of your life? 

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Show Notes Transcript

You have been living most of your life as the #1 dude, the alpha dog, the head honcho, the King. You have been “lord” of your life and “lord” of your castle. What King Me wants, King Me gets. Do you fully recognize that there is One even greater than you, One that you are ultimately answerable to?

The fact is no one has more authority over your life than God. Are you living by that truth? Is God your “Lord?” Not just in word, but in your attitude and behavior as well. Is He the ultimate and supreme ruler over every part of your life? 

Learn more about the ministry of The Purity Coach at

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You have been living most of your life as the #1 dude, the alpha dog, the head honcho, the King. You have been “lord” of your life and “lord” of your castle. What King Me wants, King Me gets. Do you fully recognize that there is One even greater than you, One that you are ultimately answerable to?

The fact is no one has more authority over your life than God. Are you living by that truth? Is God your “Lord?” Not just in word, but in your attitude and behavior as well. Is He the ultimate and supreme ruler over every part of your life? 

Welcome to The Point of Purity Podcast. I’m your host Steve Etner, Author, National Speaker, and Purity Coach for The Pure Man Ministry. This is Episode #106, and in this week’s episode we discuss the necessity of living for “King Thee, NOT King Me!”


Over the last few episodes, we have parked on and focused our attention around Psalm 25. So, let me yet again drive home the point that in Psalm 25:1 David is choosing to “lift up” his soul to God. He is choosing to sacrifice King Me to King Thee – the King of Kings and Lord of lords. David is choosing to bare it all before his God; the Almighty, most Holy and Sovereign Creator of the universe.

In essence he is saying, “God, you are King. Not me, YOU! You are Lord over all creation. YOU are Lord over every aspect of my life. YOU are Lord over each and every thought that I think. YOU are Lord over each and every word that I speak. YOU are Lord over each and every choice that I make. YOU are Lord over each and every action that I take. You and You alone are ‘Lord’ (Jehovah).”

Do you realize the significance of what David is doing here? Hey, David is the #1 dude in all of Israel. He’s the alpha dog, the head honcho, the King! He is the “lord” (or master) of all the Children of Israel. Because he is king, what he says goes. What he wants happens. The entire nation looks to him for guidance, direction, and protection.

By calling God his “Lord” (Jehovah), he is confessing that there is One even greater than him. One that he is ultimately answerable to. Can you say that? Are you ready and willing to say that and mean it with every fiber of your being?

Let’s face it: you have been living most of your life as the #1 dude, the alpha dog, the head honcho, the King. You have been “lord” of your life and “lord” of your castle. You have made the decisions. What King Me wants; you try your best to make happen. Do you fully recognize that there is One even greater than you, One that you are ultimately answerable to?

The fact is no one is higher. No one has more authority over your life than God. After all, He is the one who created you. He is the one who is allowing your heart to beat and your lungs to suck in air. Are you living by that truth? Is God your “Lord?” Not just in word, but in your attitude and behavior as well. Is He the ultimate and supreme ruler having ultimate reign over your soul – over every part of your life, every moment of your life? 

If your answer is “yes,” then I follow up with this question: is every aspect your life backing up your answer? If not, then you need to change your answer to, “No, He is not Lord of my life because I have not yet chosen to lift up my soul to Him.”

You see, if your actions, if your lifestyle, if your daily choices are not backing up your answer, then no matter how much you may try to intellectually argue otherwise, God is not Lord of your life.

Psalm 107:9 tells us that God “satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.” 

Understand this: Only God is perfect! That means that only God can (and will) perfectly satisfy your longing soul! Only God can fill your soul with good things. Only God can fulfill your desires, expectations, and needs creating within you a full contentment.

In other words–when you are perfectly satisfied, the desire, the longing, the perceived “need” to give in to your sexual temptation no longer exists. It has been satiated and thereby eliminated ... satisfied. Why? Because everything God does is perfect. Therefore, the satisfaction only He can give is a perfect satisfaction! It is complete. You need nothing else–ever.

Let’s talk for a moment here about satisfaction. You see, we experience DISsatisfaction largely because the true “need” has not yet been met. Think about it this way: When you have a mosquito bite, what is the driving “need” you are facing? Let me repeat my question. When you have a mosquito bite, what is the driving “need” you are facing? Hint: it’s NOT to scratch the itch. Although it feels like the need, it’s deceiving you. The “need” is to have the itch go away. Are you tracking with me here? The “need” is not to scratch, the real need is for cause of the itch to go away. Scratching the mosquito bite does not make the itch go away. It temporarily masks the problem; it gives you a “feel good” moment. It tries to convince you that you solved the problem. However, ultimately scratching the itch simply enlarges and exasperates the real problem.

In the same way, lusting, looking at porn, masturbating, committing adultery does not meet the need. Oh sure, it temporarily masks the problem. It momentarily eases the stress, the frustration, the boredom, the loneliness. However, it actually makes the problem worse. Only God can and will fully and perfectly fill and satisfy your longing, hungry soul!

Jesus says in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
 for they shall be satisfied.” Take note of the phrases “hunger and thirst for righteousness” and “shall be satisfied.” This is why King Me’s pursuit of sexual impurity is not meeting your needs. It cannot, it will not ever truly “satisfy” you. You are hungering and thirsting for the wrong thing. You are hungering and thirsting for something that is incapable of satisfying you. You are hungering and thirsting for unrighteousness. It’s like drinking water from the ocean. It appears to be able to meet a need, but when you drink of it, it will always leave you lacking, wanting–needing more. 

However, when you hunger and “thirst for God, for the living God” (Psalm 42:2), the promise of Scripture is that you will be perfectly satisfied. When you crave for and pursue after a right relationship with God – a life of integrity, purity, godliness – then you will be filled to overflowing, not needing anything else but God.

Scripture tells us that Jesus “stood up and cried out, ‘If anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink’.” (John 7:37) A growing, vibrant relationship with your Heavenly Father is truly ALL you need! “So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.” (2 Timothy 2:22)

Instead of trying to find your satisfaction in sexual fulfillment, find it in your pursuit of God. You see, “the fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied.” (Proverbs 19:23a) Why? Because only “God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) Only God will “make known to (you) the path of life; in (His) presence there is fullness of joy; at (His) right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11) Only God will perfectly satisfy your longing soul! 

“The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” (Psalm 34:10) 

“The Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” (Isaiah 58:11)

I challenge you to echo the words of David in Psalm 25:1 and lift up your soul to God. Fully surrender every part of your life (including your sexuality), everything over to Him. When you do that, Jeremiah 6:16 tells us you will “find rest for your souls.

“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” (Psalm 62:1 NIV’84)

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” (Psalm 62:5 NIV’84)


OK, we’re going to hit the pause button here until next week’s episode as we look forward to continuing this study. 

If you would like to learn more about today’s study, or if you’re interested in learning more about our ministry, be sure to visit our website to see the multitude of resources we’ve made available to you – you can find our website at

One of those resources is a book I’ve written entitled “Are You a Super Man? How to Become God’s Man of Steel.” It’s available on, and if you’re a man looking for a 12-week men’s Bible study that you can do with your accountability partner(s) or with your men’s small group (or even by yourself) this book is a must do. “Are You a Super Man of God? Becoming God’s Man of Steel” is a fun look at what it means to be God’s Man of Steel in a world that is Anti-God, Anti-Christ, and Anti-Bible. As Christian men we try to be the Super Man of God that others want, need, even expect us to be. We do fairly well most of the time at presenting the “spiritual man of steel” persona to those around us, yet inwardly we know we are far from being the godly man we want to be.

As a Super Man of God your strength, your ability to effectively live a life that honors and glorifies God, comes directly from the SON. The closer you are in relationship to Jesus Christ, the greater your power to resist the archenemy of your soul (the devil) and watch him flee from you (James 4:7).

Yet, truth-be-told, you also have a weakness. It’s your Kryptonite, that radioactive element of your life before Christ that your spiritual archenemy uses to his advantage. The fact is, when you play around with your Kryptonite, it weakens your will and ability to stand firm and fight the fight of faith.

In this 12-week men’s Bible study you will learn how to identify your Kryptonite, steer clear of it, find your super-spiritual strength as you daily draw closer to the SON, and be the man of steel God has called and equipped you to be. So, let me encourage you to go to today and purchase your copy of “Are You a Super Man of God?

Finally, let me take a moment here to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and let you know that I recorded a very special Christmas Episode last year entitled “The Cross of CHRISTmas” where we talked about how the Christmas Tree can be used to teach our family and friends the amazing Gospel of Christ and the powerful message of salvation. So, I challenge you to go back into our archives to December 16, 2021 and listen to Episode 56 in preparation for this very special holiday!

And if you have not yet subscribed to this Point of Purity Podcast, let me encourage you to do so today so you won’t miss any of our upcoming episodes!

So, until next time this is Author, Speaker, and Purity Coach Steve Etner reminding you that if you are going to glorify God in your everyday living, He must first be glorified in your every moment thinking.